

Since its founding in 1994, recycling has been part of the DNA of VELO vzw. Evolving societal awareness has made our choices more sustainable and future-proof by focusing on circularity. A challenge we have gladly embraced since 1994.

Second-hand bikes

Over 100,000 students have rented a second-hand bike from VELO during their educational career. For this target group, our recycled second-hand rental bike continues to prove its value after 30 years. VELO remains the most affordable provider for long-term rentals, including maintenance and repair.

Second-hand parts

By dismantling old and abandoned bikes, we recover many reusable parts. We use these ourselves, for example, in the repair of student rental bikes. However, our second-hand warehouse is also open to the public. In need of a front wheel, a saddle, or a luggage rack? Are you open to second-hand? Drop by our location in Hollestraat, Heverlee!

Circular projects

Raw materials are becoming scarcer. Why throw away what is still useful? With subsidies and through collaboration with others, we explore how to enhance circularity in our sector. Some examples include: Is there a market for repaired (patched) inner tubes? What does the lifecycle of a bike look like in our country, and how can we introduce more circularity into it?


Not every bike frame, bell, or chain guard is reusable. But look: we try to get creative with them. We turn them into decorative pieces: VELOArt!


In our cozy workshop in Aarschot, some of our staff create beautiful items from waste materials, which then become raw materials for new projects.


Want to learn more? Visit our Facebook page. Interested? Do you have ideas? Want to collaborate or furnish your new bike café in an original way?

Dries Janssen



0470 88 02 18