

For people facing barriers to the job market, VELO offers training and work experience programs. The focus is on both technical skills and work attitude.


During these programs, we emphasize extensive support through on-the-job guidance and support from a job coach.


Together, we set achievable work goals and address any barriers that hinder the transition to sustainable employment.


After completing a program at VELO, we also provide necessary follow-up and aftercare.

VELO is recognized as a social employment enterprise

As a result, we can employ people in individually customized work programs (‘Individueel Maatwerk’). This regards people for whom VDAB has identified a need for guidance and work experience.

OCMW (Public Centre for Social Welfare)

VELO is also an employment site for people referred by OCMW (Public Centre for Social Welfare) under Article 60§7 of the OCMW Act. They can work with us for a certain period in a so-called ‘Article 60’ program to gain work experience. The goal is to facilitate their transition to the job market in a sustainable type of employment.

Work care

Under the heading of ‘work care’ we offer tailored employment for people who are not, not yet, or no longer able to participate in regular or social employment. VELO integrates them into its operations.

Internships Volunteering Experience days

Students can also undertake internships at VELO as part of their education (dual learning, social engagement, training internships, etc.). Applications are always considered on an individual basis and upon request. The goal is for this to be beneficial for both parties. This also applies to volunteer work and other types of engagement.



VELO offers 2 VDAB-recognized training programs. We do this in collaboration with VDAB, CVO Qrios, and CBE Ligo Oost-Brabant. During these programs, participants continue to receive their unemployment benefits and are exempt from job search obligations. Enrollment in these programs is only possible after a positive screening.


Both programs are full-time day courses. We provide individual guidance to participants and we search for the best path to sustainable employment. This is always done in consultation with the participants themselves. We address the necessary barriers that hinder the transition to sustainable employment.

Technical Talent

This is a preparatory course in the industry that leads to further training at organizations such as VDAB. Another follow-up pathway is transitioning to sustainable employment. The training introduces participants to various professions, tools, and basic skills within the industry. This course is organized four times a year and lasts 9 weeks.

Bike Mechanic Training

This is a qualification training program that leads to sustainable employment as a bike mechanic. The training lasts 6 months. At the end of the program, participants receive the Bike Mechanic Certificate.

Job coaching and guidance

We offer training, but guiding people during their training or work experience is at least as important. VELO places a strong emphasis on this, with a dedicated team of on-the-job coaches and support throughout their journey. Through dialogue, we seek the best and most achievable path for each individual. We offer opportunities (again and again) but also set boundaries. Additionally, we work with the individuals involved and, if necessary, other service providers to find solutions for housing, health, finances, and more.

Facilitate transition to employment

If realistic, our goal is to facilitate the transition into a job at a company in the region or as a self-employed individual. Thanks to our extensive business network built over the years, we strive to match job vacancies with individuals in our programs. This way, our talents find their way into the job market.

Ann Bellon

Coördinator trajectteam


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