Company bikes


Roads are getting busier, and parking spaces are becoming scarcer. The daily car commute to and from work is becoming a challenge. The (electric) bike can be a flexible and time-saving solution. Company pool bikes can also be a valuable addition, with or without a smart lock. We are happy to develop the best solution for your company, organization, or government in East Brabant.

Create social impact

Fleet management

Managing large bike fleets is a crucial part of our organization. Perhaps the largest fleet in our country (the KU Leuven 2WD staff bikes) is managed by VELO, with an exceptionally high service level. Big or small, your bike fleet is in good hands with us.

2WD bikes

KU Leuven offers its staff the option to use a city bike, folding bike or electric bike for commuting and job-related movements. In the Leuven region, they have a fleet of approximately 3,000 city bikes and 1,000 e-bikes used daily by staff members. VELO handles the management, distribution, repair, and maintenance of these bikes, providing excellent service from 5 staffed workshops and 5 unstaffed 2WD fix stations.

Company bikes

Bike leasing or purchasing a bike fleet with a maintenance contract —it’s all possible. In fact, we are eager to help shape the specific idea of company bikes you have in mind. We can work together to find a solution for the issue you’re facing. Flexible and tailored to each company or organization.


Does your company also have locations outside East Brabant? VELO is a founding member of Bike&Co, a cooperative with a social purpose that offers company bikes in various formats. Through Bike&Co, we support your branches in East Brabant, while our colleagues handle other regions. All of this is coordinated under a single contract. Private leasing of both new and second-hand bikes is also an option at VELO thanks to Bike&Co.

Bike test (‘fietstest’)

If your company, organization, school, or local government is located in Flemish Brabant, we can also recommend the Bike test (‘fietstest’) offered by the province. Your staff can test a fleet of e-bikes for commuting purposes over a three-week period. The province of Flemish Brabant organizes and funds the program, while VELO provides the service.

Bike-sharing systems

VELO maintains and repairs the Blue-bikes throughout East Brabant and the Cargoroo cargo bikes in Leuven. We also have our own bike-sharing platform that you can use in your company or organization. With the app, anyone you authorize can use your company bike, which we equip with a smart bike lock. Contact us for more information!


Looking for a partner in the East Brabant region for bikes, fleet management, bike parking, bike advice, and more? VELO is the partner you’re looking for. Welcome.

School bikes

Every school wants to offer its students a diverse and high-quality educational program, which includes trips to various sports and cultural destinations. With the purchase of a bike fleet, every student can participate. VELO at School provides a bike selection fully tailored to schools: sturdy, safe, easy to maintain, and suitable for all ages.

Elisabeth De Roover

Bike sales & company bike Coordinator